Saturday, April 10, 2010

..Long day!

Had a long day at the shop today! Left out of the house a lil on the late side due to a fun and inspiring conversation with my girlfriend over the internet, being that she's 3000+ miles and 3 hours time difference away from me at the moment.. Dropped my car off at the mechanic to get worked on, and eventually made my way into work. My first client was a sugar sleeve with a Japanese background. It's coming along, glad we got to wrap up the whole background today.. ready for some color!! Then had to draw up this Sugar Skull with coins over the eyes on the spot and was lucky enough to finish it in one session. Tried to keep it fairly open and simple, but I can't help going overboard with line work most of the time. He was stoked on it tho, and I had fun doing it! Ended up staying late to do the lettering I had set up for the end of the night, but was running behind on the sugar skull. By the time the day was over, I was more than willing to join my co-worker Nick for delicious sushi at Osaka's! All in all it was a good morning, busy day, did some fun tattoos,and had some good food. A lil more time for hanging out is all I could ask for..

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